Feb 5, 2025- Side event on Role of OGP in HRD Protection

The Defend NGOs Alliance and the Council for People’s Development and Governance (CPDG) cordially invite you to our side event themed “The Role of Open Government Partnership in Protecting HRDs: Strengthening Enabling Environments for Effective People’s Participation in Development and Governance". This will be on February 5, 2025 from 730AM to 12NN at Room 2 of the College of Law, University of the Philippines, Bonifacio Global City.
This side event is part of the 2025 Asia Pacific Open Government Partneship Summit which takes place in Manila from February 5 to 7, 2025. Our side event is one among the many side events happening on Febraury 5, 2025. It is a knowledge sharing session between CSOs and key government agencies in the OGP from participating countries to explore ways in promoting protection of HRDs, development workers and NGOs towards strengthening enabling mechanisms for effective people’s participation in governance and development. Specifically, it aims to:
1. Identify shared challenges / barriers to participation and inclusivity in governance and development.
2. Propose ways how the OGP can contribute to protection of HRDs, development workers and NGOs, and push policy reforms to strengthen existing mechanisms for enabling civic spaces.
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